Every once in a awhile, if you’re lucky, you get a chance to work with a mentor who is able to not only identify opportunities in your organization, but also knows how to make those opportunities blossom and grow. Sam has done this and much more several times for me in my career. He is an amazing leader and mentor, and knows how to lead and motivate individuals as well as groups into becoming high performing achievers.
In Dubai, India, Egypt or anywhere else I have ever worked with Sam, he has always delivered on his promises. Employees get involved and discover how to unlock their full potential. They also get excited about what they are doing and produce amazing results. When it comes to coaching me on an individual basis, Sam always is able to cut to the chase and get me to discover within myself even greater potential.
When times are tough, the intuitive reaction for most is to cut back. When it comes to Sam, this is when you need him most! He can unlock potential within yourself, your employees or your Senior Management team that you did not know even existed and they haven't used yet to solve business issues. This leads to break-through results, which are exactly what we need in both good times and not so good times.
I obviously recommend Sam highly, and look forward to the next time I get to work with him."
David Ogden
Managing Director, FedEx